Best Budget Eats in Cambridge’s Harvard Square

After living in HSQ for a couple of years, I’ve a few suggestions on where to eat in the area. Particularly when you’re on a student budget, like my beau and I were while we were living there (I was working for the bulk of the our time there but rent in the Boston area…

Pea Shoots with Potatoes and Kielbasa

If you spot pea shoots at the market, grab them! They are one of my absolute favorite things to eat because they are fast, tasty and healthy. This dish is a great one to have on had for weeknights because it cooks up quickly. Especially the greens! I waited until the potatotes had been transferred…

Spring Rolls

If you signed up for a CSA this year, I bet you’ve already realized that there is almost always far too much in that basket of yours. Or maybe that you don’t know what to do with it all. And its probably time to start trying to make crazy things like spring rolls. Why? Vegetables….

Strawberry Season

Every time I go out to pick strawberries, too many seem to make it into the basket. What can I say? I know that they are delicious and that there are far too many tasty ways to save them for later to say no! Strawberry Shortcake: Ina Garten is just the best and her recipes…

Squash and Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies

There is a secret ingredient in these cookies and its pumpkin!  I was wandering around Love and Lemon’s website and found these cookies.  Who doesn’t want healthy cookies they can take on the go and feel good about it?  They’re super filling, too.  Did I make a few alterations?  Of course I did, so here…

Overnight Oats

I eat this for breakfast on a fairly regular basis (or whenever, really) because its healthy, keeps me fairly full and find that it helps my digestive tract. Changing up the toppings keeps things interesting enough. Its kind of like salad in that way: changing the toppings changes everything but its only as healthy as…

CSA to Veggie Burger Wrap

I’m trying my first CSA and am very excited by the first bounty! Looking forward to what comes next! With so much lettuce this week, I decided to try using it as the ‘bun’ to a mushroom burger (and I totally cheated – but those veggie burgers can be time consuming so I tried a…

Classic Peanut Butter Cookies

With so many recipes out there and a few jars of peanut butter at home, I decided it was time to tackle peanut butter cookies.  In middle school I learned how to make a pillowy cake version in Home Ec.  It went something along the lines of yellow cake mix, peanut butter, eggs and maybe…

Shepherd’s Pie

Is it a bad thing to admit that I hid this one in the fridge from my beau as long as I could? Yes, he found it ( as soon as he searched the fridge for dinner while asking if he could eat pasta). It was gone within 24 hours after that… Essentially this was…

Ham Biscuits from Easter Leftovers

As I was prepping for Easter last week, I couldn’t help but peruse a few sites for ideas and my favorite from that serach session was at Real Girl’s Kitchen where she posted her ultimate Easter menu.  While the menu itself wasn’t something I’d follow, she presented sumptuous meal for those ready to indulge.  My…

Roasted Cauliflower and Sweet Onion Kugel

Passover.  Its not something I ever thought of as a child.  Its not part of my family heritage nor that of most of the other kids I grew up around.  In college I became friends with a girl who happens to have a mixed heritage – she’s in the process of exploring it now and…

Carrot Cake’s Siblings

I fell down the proverbial rabbit hole while sifting through the ‘carrot cake’ recipes saved over the past couple of years.  Even after making so many carrot cakes last year, there were still a few more ideas to try out.  The great thing is that you can start eating dessert for breakfast all weekend long…